This is kind of follow up questions of
In order to use C/C++ function from Python, SWIG is the easiest solution. The reverse way is also possible with Python C API, for example, if we have a python function as follows
def add(x,y): return (x + 10*y)
We can come up with the wrapper in C to use this python as follows.
double Add(double a, double b) { PyObject *X, *Y, *pValue, *pArgs; double res; pArgs = PyTuple_New(2); X = Py_BuildValue("d", a); Y = Py_BuildValue("d", b); PyTuple_SetItem(pArgs, 0, X); PyTuple_SetItem(pArgs, 1, Y); pValue = PyEval_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs); res = PyFloat_AsDouble(pValue); Py_DECREF(X); Py_DECREF(Y); Py_DECREF(pArgs); return res; }
How about the IronPython/C# or even F#?
- How to call the C#/F# function from IronPython? Or, is there any SWIG equivalent tool in IronPython/C#?
- How to call the IronPython function from C#/F#? I guess I could use "engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString" or similar, but I need to find a way to call IronPython function look like a C#/F# function, not writing the code in a string, but reading from a file.