I'm not exactly sure that stackoverflow is the right *overflow to post to concerning this, but w/e. Just don't flame me.
If i took a file with a BSD-style license (or MIT/X11, or ISC, or NCSA, etc.) and i modified/refactored/incorporated it into my own project, what is the procedure for distinguishing my vs. another copyright. I've refactored to such an extent that it wouldn't be practical to separate my own code from the original author's. If i wanted to add my own copyright to the code, do i just delete the original copyright notice and move it to an attribution file, then add my own notice? I understand that with these permissive licenses i am free to apply my own copyright/license to a derived work i create provided i retain the original copyright notice with the source/binary distribution. How would i fulfill these requirements? Since the original license comment at least gives the impression of having file scope, wouldn't it be confusing to have multiple copyright notices in a file?
In short, would it be sufficient to change the copyright notice to my own, and then provide a attrib/contrib file that says something along the lines of "this project incorporates code by X which is originally licensed under the terms of the following license: "? If not, what is the generally accepted method?