I would to know if it's possible to convert a simple bitmap to a geometry object
Yes, you can using tracing. Potrace is an open source bitmap-to-vector tracer library.
However, bitmap tracing is imperfect; for high-quality vector image, line tracer is generally only used to do the initial tracing, which would later be hand-tweaked. Inkscape, an open source vector image editor, provides built-in support for tracing (internally using potrace).
Here is some example of bitmap source,
Can this be convert to only one geometry object ( i only need the white part, don't care bout black...
I've found a way to do what i want ...
I take each pixel of a bitmap and make a solidbrushcolored polygon with it ( but only if the pixel is not black to get better look);
But because of performance issue i've choose to rezize it to 32 x 32 !
To give a light effect i've use a emmitive material but the result is quite bad with colored bitmap
But it looks a bit pixellized .. and i'm afraid of using so much polygon to just one bitmap ... any idea to get better result or more effective???