If in a database (MySQL), I have a datetime column (ex. 1899-12-30 19:00:00), how do I sum 1 day to it?
Following http://corelib.rubyonrails.org/classes/Time.html#M000240
If I want to add 1 day, it actually adds 60*60*24 days (86,400 days)
=>Sat, 30 Dec 1899 19:00:00 -0600
r.date + (60*60*24)
=>Fri, 20 Jul 2136 19:00:00 -0600
But if I do this it actually adds 1 day:
t = Time.now
=>Mon Jun 14 10:32:51 -0600 2010
t + (60 * 60 * 24)
=>Tue Jun 15 10:33:21 -0600 2010
I guess it has to do with the format...how do I make this work?