Is it possible for an user control (ascx) to doing something like herit from a MasterPage ?
My point is, in one of my user control (only use by one kind of MasterPage), I would like to use an <asp:content>
tag, but I can't, I can only in the page that use that user control...
So, I have to repeat some code into each of the page that use that user control...
For example, each time, I need to add something like that :
<asp:Content ID="cntJavascript" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphJavascript" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= Url.Content("~/Content/js/UcJs.js") %>"></script>
That because, I want all my Js files on the same place in my MasterPage and I only want to add Js that is needed