



Hi all,

I'm using resources in VB.NET(2008) to manage my files and have 3 icon files that need to be on 3 buttons on my form (clicking the button changes the icon of the form tot the pressed button)




but when I try the code below i get the error that "Value of type system.drawing.icon cannot be converted to system.drawing.image" any idea what's wrong?

btnIcon1.image = my.resources.ICO_1

btnIcon2.image = my.resources.ICO_2

+1  A: 

Exactly what it says, a button wants a bitmap, not an icon. You can use Icon.ToBitmap() but the resulting bitmap usually looks pretty bad. Use a good image editor to get a better result, Visual Studio has one. Add the resulting bitmap to your resources.

Hans Passant

To add to Hans' reply, I've found that using all .bmp files in My.Resources for the project works best, and just use a small function to convert the bitmap to an icon to use, for example, as the icon on a WinForm:

Public Shared Function ConvertBitmapToIcon(ByVal resourceBitmap As Bitmap) As Icon
    Return Icon.FromHandle(resourceBitmap.GetHicon())
End Function

The only time I need an actual .ico file is for the icon of the compiled .exe.
