If you just want to render some other view script from a controller just:
Wich will render someotherview.phtml.
from: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.action.html#zend.controller.action.viewintegration.render
class MyController extends Zend_Controller_Action{
public function fooAction()
// Renders my/foo.phtml
// Renders my/bar.phtml
// Renders baz.phtml
$this->render('baz', null, true);
// Renders my/login.phtml to the 'form' segment of the
// response object
$this->render('login', 'form');
// Renders site.phtml to the 'page' segment of the response
// object; does not use the 'my/' subirectory
$this->render('site', 'page', true);
public function bazBatAction()
// Renders my/baz-bat.phtml
Should get you on the right track!
Works really well.