Hi guys,
I am running from a problem while iterating over class properties.
I have my first class:
class Item
private _UIN as integer = 0
private _Name as string = ""
private _Category as ItemCategory = new ItemCategory()
public Property UIN() as integer
public property Name() as string
public property Category() as ItemCategory
end class
Now when i iterate over the class properties from following code
Dim AllProps As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo()
Dim PropA As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
dim ObjA as object
AllProps = new Item().getType().getProperties()
for each propA in AllProps
ObjA = PropA.GetValue(myObj, New Object() {})
debug.write ObjA.GetType().Name
I get UIN, Name, ItemCategory but i expected UIN, Name and Category.
I am a bit unclear about this and dun know why this is happening? What should i do to correct it?