Hi guys,
Has anyone come across a port of the flashLightBoxInjector code from Bramus? Currently it's in Prototype, but I really need to get it working with jQuery as the whole site I'm working in is running on this - not an option to use noConflict(). I'm ok with jQuery, but certainly no guru, can anyone help?
The purpose of the code is that images are loaded into a Flash CoverFlow-esq gallery, which in turn calls the lightBoxInjector (code below) and injects this content into the HTML markup so when a gallery image is clicked, a larger version is displayed in a lighbox.
The Prototype code in use currently is:
var flashLightBoxInjector = Class.create();
flashLightBoxInjector.prototype = {
initialize : function() {
var objBody = document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0);
var objContainer = document.createElement("div");
objContainer.style.display = 'none';
reset : function() {
$('flashLightBoxInjectionBox').innerHTML = "";
return true;
appendElement : function(link, title, id, setId) {
new Insertion.Bottom('flashLightBoxInjectionBox', '<a href="' + link + '" title="' + title + '" id="' + id + '" rel="lightbox[' + setId + ']">' + link + '</a>');
prependElement : function(link, title, id, setId) {
new Insertion.Top('flashLightBoxInjectionBox', '<a href="' + link + '" title="' + title + '" id="' + id + '" rel="lightbox[' + setId + ']">' + link + '</a>');
updateImageList : function() {
start : function(id) {
function initFlashLightBoxInjector() { myFlashLightBoxInjector = new flashLightBoxInjector(); }
Event.observe(window, 'load', initFlashLightBoxInjector, false);
Any help would be hugely appreciated. Thanks.