




I have been coding a site in pure HTML/CSS - using no server-side language.

I was wondering if anyone had any feedback - is there anything that you would change etc...?

Many Thanks, J

View Site


If you use a server-side language then you could template out the header and footer, and reduce or eliminate duplicate markup.


Your site seems to be fairly static, that is, there is not much of dynamic and changing content. So pure static HTML pages are just fine.

You could avoid the repetitive HTML using a view/template engine. So when you change something in the header, navigation or footer, you don't have to change them in every HTML file separately.. only in one place. Good HTML editors will support this feature without the need of server-side language.

Events, along with other dynamic parts (news, etc), could be pushed into a database. But if you are the only one doing the updates and maintenance work, I don't think this is necessary.

A few reasons that would require server-side implementation:

  • User registration (Authorization)
  • Content management system (CMS)