The issue: The iframe won't load inside the <div id="shipnum"></div>
tags on the review and submit page here (relevant HTML and javascript is also below):
Login:[email protected] pass:test03
To produce problem: - Where it says "Your Third Party Shipper Numbers (To enter one, click here.)", click "here" to see the form that won't load in IE6. It seems to load in every other modern browser.
The same form works fine on this page (you have to click on the "order sample" button to see the link to the same form):
Here's the HTML:
<div style="border-color: rgb(255, 221, 221);" id="itmSampl">
<div id="placeshipnum" style="display: none;"></div>
<div id="sampAdd">
<strong>Your Third Party Shipper Numbers</strong> (To enter one, click <a rel="nofollow" href="javascript:;" onclick="enterShipNum()">here</a>.)
<ul style="list-style: none outside none; padding-left: 20px;">
<li><span class="bold">UPS #</span>: 333333</li>
<li><span class="bold">FedEx #</span>: 777888999</li>
Upon clicking the "to enter one, click here" link this is the iframe HTML in all browsers except IE6 (in IE6, the "shipnum" div element is assembled, but that's it):
<div id="placeshipnum" style="display: block;">
<div id="shipnum" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<div class="wrapper-x"> <a title="close window" class="linkfooter" href="javascript:;" onclick="enterShipNum()"> <img height="11" width="11" alt="close window" src="/c.659197/site/av-template/x-image-browser.gif"> </a> </div>
<iframe scrolling="no" height="240" frameborder="0" width="190" src=";formid=56&amp;h=9b260d2f9bca0fd9c300&amp;[email protected]&amp;firstname=Test&amp;lastname=Account&amp;ck=Q1BnzaRXAe_RfjhE&amp;vid=Q1BnzaRXAd3Rfik7&amp;cktime=87919&amp;cart=5257&amp;promocode=SAMPLE&amp;chrole=1014&amp;cjsid=0a0102621f435ef0d0d4b3cd49ab8b2db4e253c671eb" allowtransparency="true" border="0" onload="hideShipLoadImg()" style="display: block;"></iframe></div></div>
This is the relevant Javascript:
// Allow for shipper number update
var shipNumDisplay=0;
function enterShipNum() {
if (shipNumDisplay == 0){
document.getElementById('placeshipnum').innerHTML='<div id="shipnum"><div class="wrapper-x"> <a onclick="enterShipNum()" href="javascript:;" class="linkfooter" title="close window"> <img height="11" width="11" src="/c.659197/site/av-template/x-image-browser.gif" alt="close window" /> </a> </div><iframe onload="hideShipLoadImg()" scrolling="no" height="240" frameborder="0" width="190" border="0" allowtransparency="true" src="[email protected]&firstname=Test&lastname=Account&ck=Q1BnzaRXAe_RfjhE&vid=Q1BnzaRXAd3Rfik7&cktime=87919&cart=5257&promocode=SAMPLE&chrole=1014&cjsid=0a0102621f435ef0d0d4b3cd49ab8b2db4e253c671eb"></iframe></div>';
else {
function hideShipLoadImg(){
var shipiframe= document.getElementById('shipnum').getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0]; = 'block'; = '#fff';