I've an ActiveX Control within an embedded IE7/8 HTML page that has the following event [id(1)] HRESULT MessageReceived([in] BSTR id, [in] BSTR json)
. On Windows the event is registered with OCX.attachEvent("MessageReceived", onMessageReceivedFunc)
Following code fires the event in the HTML page.
HRESULT Fire_MessageReceived(BSTR id, BSTR json)
CComVariant varResult;
T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
int nConnectionIndex;
CComVariant* pvars = new CComVariant[2];
int nConnections = m_vec.GetSize();
for (nConnectionIndex = 0; nConnectionIndex < nConnections; nConnectionIndex++)
CComPtr<IUnknown> sp = m_vec.GetAt(nConnectionIndex);
IDispatch* pDispatch = reinterpret_cast<IDispatch*>(sp.p);
if (pDispatch != NULL)
pvars[1] = id;
pvars[0] = json;
DISPPARAMS disp = { pvars, NULL, 2, 0 };
pDispatch->Invoke(0x1, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, &varResult, NULL, NULL);
delete[] pvars; // -> Memory Corruption here!
return varResult.scode;
After I enabled gflags.exe with application verifier, the following strange behaviour occur: After Invoke() that is executing the JavaScript callback, the BSTR from pvars[1] is copied to pvars[0] for some unknown reason!? The delete[] of pvars causes a double free of the same string then which ends in a heap corruption.
Does anybody has an idea whats going on here? Is this a IE bug or is there a trick within the OCX Implementation that I'm missing?
If I use the tag like:
<script for="OCX" event="MessageReceived(id, json)" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
window.onMessageReceivedFunc(windowId, json);
... the strange copy operation does not occur.
The following code also seem to be ok due to the fact that the caller of Fire_MessageReceived() is responsible for freeing the BSTRs.
HRESULT Fire_MessageReceived(BSTR srcWindowId, BSTR json)
CComVariant varResult;
T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
int nConnectionIndex;
VARIANT pvars[2];
int nConnections = m_vec.GetSize();
for (nConnectionIndex = 0; nConnectionIndex < nConnections; nConnectionIndex++)
CComPtr<IUnknown> sp = m_vec.GetAt(nConnectionIndex);
IDispatch* pDispatch = reinterpret_cast<IDispatch*>(sp.p);
if (pDispatch != NULL)
pvars[1].vt = VT_BSTR;
pvars[1].bstrVal = srcWindowId;
pvars[0].vt = VT_BSTR;
pvars[0].bstrVal = json;
DISPPARAMS disp = { pvars, NULL, 2, 0 };
pDispatch->Invoke(0x1, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, &varResult, NULL, NULL);
delete[] pvars;
return varResult.scode;