



I read that hash tables in Haskell had performance issues (on the Haskell-Cafe in 2006 and Flying Frog Consultancy's blog in 2009), and since I like Haskell it worried me. That was a year ago, what is the status now (June 2010)? Has the "hash table problem" been fixed in GHC?

+12  A: 

A question like this can really be settled only by experiment. But if you don't have the time or money to do experiments, you have to ask other people what they think. When you do so, you might want to consider the source and consider whether the information given has been reviewed or vetted in any way.

Jon Harrop has advanced some interesting claims about Haskell. Let me suggest that you search on Google Groups and elsewhere for evidence of Harrop's expertise in Haskell, Lisp, and other functional languages. You could also read the work by Chris Okasaki and Andy Gill on Patricia trees in Haskell, see how their expertise is regarded. You can also find whose claims, if any, have been checked by a third party. Then you can make up your own mind how seriously to take different people's claims about the performance of different functional languages.

Oh, and don't feed the troll.

P.S. It would be quite reasonable for you to do your own experiments, but perhaps not necessary, since the trusty Don Stewart presents some nice microbenchmarks in his fine answer. Here's an addendum to Don's answer:

Addendum: Using Don Stewart's code on an AMD Phenom 9850 Black Edition clocked at 2.5GHz with 4GB RAM, in 32-bit mode, with ghc -O,

  • With the default heap, the IntMap is 40% faster than the hash table.
  • With the 2G heap, the hash table is 40% faster than the IntMap.
  • If I go to ten million elements with the default heap, the IntMap is four times faster than the hash table (CPU time) or twice as fast by wall-clock time.

I'm a little surprised by this result, but reassured that functional data structures perform pretty well. And confirmed in my belief that it really pays to benchmark your code under the actual conditions in which it's going to be used.

Norman Ramsey
+1 for suggesting a bit more research. In a community like Haskell that is based on research (like GHC for example), this is the way to go.
Robert Massaioli
@Norman: Hash tables in other languages (e.g. C++ or .NET) run a *lot* faster than anything you can do in Haskell including `IntMap`:[email protected]/msg57390.html
Jon Harrop
Why are you using hash tables in Haskell? The intent is for Haskell to be a purely functional language with good syntax, flexibility, and performance. If you're looking for a high-performance mutable data structure (i.e., non- purely functional), then Haskell can work for you, but maybe there are better solutions for your problem because that problem is not what Haskell specializes in solving.
@Justice: *I* don't want to use hash tables in Haskell. I'm perfectly happy with the default Patricia trees and other functional structures. This whole thread started because Jon Harrop seems to be waging some sort of private war against Haskell (probably why this question is now locked). One of Harrop's tactics has been to say that hash tables in Haskell are terrible, purely functional structures are terrible, etc etc. A number of us don't trust the quality of his information and wish for people not to take him at face value. That's what this question is about.
Norman Ramsey
@Norman: I presented objective experimental results that many people have since verified the correctness of. Even Simon Marlow quotes the Haskell code from my experiment in the bug report against GHC where he explains why this phenomenon occurs. This question was locked because it was repeatedly vandalized by Don Stewart, who wanted to remove all reference to the original work. In his answer, Don even claims that the original work "gave no code or benchmarks"...
Jon Harrop
+67  A: 

The problem was that the garbage collector is required to traverse mutable arrays of pointers ("boxed arrays") looking for pointers to data that might be ready to deallocate. Boxed, mutable arrays are the main mechanism for implementing a hashtable, so that particular structure showed up the GC traversal issue. This is common to many languages. The symptom is excessive garbage collection (up to 95% of time spent in GC).

The fix was to implement "card marking" in the GC for mutable arrays of pointers, which occured in late 2009. You shouldn't see excessive GC when using mutable arrays of pointers in Haskell now. On the simple benchmarks, hashtable insertion for large hashes improved by 10x.

Note that the GC walking issue doesn't affect purely functional structures, nor unboxed arrays (like most data parallel arrays, or vector-like arrays, in Haskell. Nor does it affect hashtables stored on the C heap (like judy). Meaning that it didn't affect day-to-day Haskellers not using imperative hash tables.

If you are using hashtables in Haskell, you shouldn't observe any issue now. Here, for example, is a simple hashtable program that inserts 10 million ints into a hash. I'll do the benchmarking, since the original citation doesn't present any code or benchmarks.

import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.HashTable as H
import System.Environment

main = do
  [size] <- fmap (fmap read) getArgs
  m <- (==) H.hashInt
  forM_ [1..size] $ \n -> H.insert m n n
  v <- H.lookup m 100
  print v

With GHC 6.10.2, before the fix, inserting 10M ints:

$ time ./A 10000000 +RTS -s

With GHC 6.13, after the fix:

./A 10000000 +RTS -s 

Increasing the default heap area:

./A +RTS -s -A2G

Avoiding hashtables and using an IntMap:

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntMap as I
import System.Environment

main = do
  [size] <- fmap (fmap read) getArgs
  let k = foldl' (\m n -> I.insert n n m) I.empty [1..size]
  print $ I.lookup 100 k

And we get:

$ time ./A 10000000 +RTS -s        
./A 10000000 +RTS -s

Or, alternatively, using a judy array (which is a Haskell wrapper calling C code through the foreign-function interface):

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.Judy as J

main = do
  [size] <- fmap (fmap read) getArgs
  j <- :: IO (J.JudyL Int)
  forM_ [1..size] $ \n -> J.insert (fromIntegral n) n j
  print =<< J.lookup 100 j

Running this,

$ time ./A 10000000 +RTS -s

So, as you can see, the GC issue with hashtables is fixed, and there have always been other libraries and data structures which were perfectly suitable. In summary, this is a non-issue.

Don Stewart
Nice work. My hero! +1
Norman Ramsey
It was written it will me merged into 6.12.2
Maciej Piechotka
Nice work, as usual, and complete coverage (defined the problem and showed, by example, why it is no longer an issue). +1
Robert Massaioli
Wow, perfect answer. Stack Overflow community is great! I can't upvote yet (not enough reputation ), otherwise i would sure upvote!Thanks a lot for the answer, it was formidable!
Alessandro Stamatto
As always, a lovely demonstration of GHC's [unique, cutting-edge analysis and optimization system](
As it turns out, Don Stewart is also a fine proof engine, if somewhat by proxy!
Norman Ramsey
Don, you need a faster machine!
Norman Ramsey
If an IntMap is faster than a hashtable, why ever bother with a hashtable? A hashtable is only useful when it's O(1).
Different scaling characteristics compared to generalized tries.
Don Stewart
Out of curiosity, I ran these micro-benchmarks on my own system, and whipped up a C++ version that uses the Boost hash table. Compared to the Haskell hash table version run with larger heap, its wall time was not much faster: C++ 1.613s, Haskell 1.862s.I was surprised!
Bradford Larsen
Your data is obsolete, Jon. That's what this post is about.
Don Stewart
@Don: The data for F# are not obsolete, Don. Other languages are still vastly faster than anything that can be written in Haskell. None of the results anyone has cited for Haskell have come close to the 0.7s for F# that I was quoting on an old machine last year.
Jon Harrop
Perhaps you guys should run this Haskell benchmark and an equivalent F# on the same machine to find out.
@Jules: On a 2× 2.0GHz E5405 Xeon running 32-bit Windows Vista I get 0.8s for Visual F# 2010 and 19.2s for Haskell's hash table using the latest Haskell Platform release (which is GHC 6.12.1). Out of interest, I get 32s for a purely functional `Map` with Haskell and 36s for one in F#. So Haskell is still 24× slower than F#.
Jon Harrop
What are the programs and compiler options you're using?
@Jules: The programs are those from my original blog article with the F# compiled in Release mode and the Haskell compiled by GHC 6.12.1 (from the latest Haskell platform) using `ghc -O2 --make hash.hs -o hash`. Times quoted were the minimum from three runs.
Jon Harrop