<Essence GUID="464">
<Property Name="Name">
<value>mt-1232-1. (1-1-3)</value>
<Characteristic GUID="78">
<Characteristic GUID="79">
<LinkType Type="ObjGroup">
<LinkedEssence GUID="369" />
<LinkType Type="ObjGroupProp" />
<LinkType Type="RoleObject">
<LinkedEssence GUID="5747"/>
<Essence GUID="5747" Type="Role">
<Property Name="Name">
<Property Name="TagPrefix">
<Property Name="useParentTagPrefix">
<Essence GUID="5748" Type="Role">
in example is a xml file with data from database. now i need to bind it to some fields... i use the XMLDataProvider here
<XmlDataProvider x:Name="dataxml" XPath="EssenceList/Essence" Source="464.xml"/>
and mostof simple texboxes i bind like
<TextBox Text="{Binding XPath=/EssenceList/Essence/LinkedEssences/LinkType[1]/LinkedEssence/@GUID}" />
but now i need to bind a combobox this way:
- the first Essence in the document contains LinkedEssences, that contains <LinkType Type="RoleObject">
and <LinkedEssence GUID="5747"/>
- in document below there is a full description for it that contains the NAME property i need
<Essence GUID="5747" Type="Role">
<Property Name="Name">
<Property Name="TagPrefix">
<Property Name="useParentTagPrefix">
and many other available Essences for this combobox
i managed to bind the list of thems to combobox
<ComboBox ItemTemplate="{StaticResource rolelistTemplate}" ItemsSource="{Binding XPath=/EssenceList/Essence[@Type]}" />
so it displays it well, but i can't bind it to my LinkedEssences.