




I have a css definition in the head of my page as follows:

@font-face {
    font-family: "ownfont";src: url("../fonts/ownfont.ttf");

Then i give a css class to the body (on button click) which changes the font type from:

font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;


font-family: "ownfont",Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;

"ownfont" is a 4-character font where spaces and hypen will be shown in order to show some non-visual characters.

Firefox 3.6.3 shows everything as excepted (looks the same as before except for spaces and hypen), but Safari (on Mac and Win; Versions 4.0.5, 5.0) changes the heigth of my text lines (or at least it looks like that or as if a padding/margin has been increased - but nothing has been changed except for the font).

Why does this font setting yield to different results in firefox and safari?

Is there a way here to force both browsers to behave the same?

any help or suggestion is appreciated - thanks in advance


Try specifying line-height: 1ex; in your css.

J-16 SDiZ
this looks somewhat terrible

If you know what font(s) you're going to be using it with, it might be simpler to remake your font to have metrics more like the others'.

good suggestion - i will give it a try
metric is almost the same except for the width of the 4 characters (i change that in order to have the same width shown in the browser when switching css)
this does not work, is there a way to change the metric heigth somehow?
Yeah, there's the height above the baseline, the height below, the total em height. Could be relevant.
it is better somehow; well i still have a difference between a local page and one one a test system (Safari on Mac), but that will have to do with something else i still need to figure out