I have a simple VBA program to download attachments from a Mail Item; I'm launching a Macro (that is a 'sub' in a Module), which does a 'Form.Show' to launch a User Form. There is a button on the User Form to kick of the actual download - the download sub is located back in the Module code, not the form code.
Here's the code I'm using for the button:
Private Sub BTN_Download_Click()
Me.MousePointer = fmMousePointerHourGlass
Me.BTN_Download.Enabled = False
Me.BTN_Download.Enabled = True
Me.MousePointer = fmMousePointerDefault
End Sub
I'm trying to present a well-behaved UI to the user: temporarily disabling the button and showing an Hour Glass when the operation is in action, and then re-enabling the button and restoring the default Mouse Pointer when complete.
What actually happens is that the GUI becomes unresponsive, the button never appears to be disabled, and I don't see the hour glass pointer.
How can I achieve this ? (I have tried moving the GUI code back to the Module (MyForm.MousePointer=...) - this also doesn't work unfortunately. I have tried creating two additional Sub, 'Busy' and 'UnBusy', and calling this direcly from the Sub above - which works slightly better, but still there is a longish delay before the GUI looks 'Busy' to the user).
Is there a way of ensuring the GUI is updated first, and then defering the actual bulk of the work until this is complete ?