



<img src="http://site.com/some/category/thread_17.jpg" />
<img src="http://site.com/other/thread_17.jpg" />

How to find the last image on the page, that have "thread_" after last "/" in its src attribute?

Script should throw src to some variable.

Ajax is used to find the images on external page

 url: link, 
 type: 'GET',
 success: function(data) {
  var src = $('.slide img', data).attr('src');

It gives attribute of the last image from .slide block.


+3  A: 

$('.slide img[src*=\\/thread_]:last', data) might do it

Scott Evernden
+1  A: 

You can iterate through ALL of the images you have & perform regex on them, like this:

$('.slide img', data).each(function(index){
   src = $(this).attr('src');
   stringarray = src.split('/');
   last_piece = stringarray[stringarray.length-1]
   regexpatt = /thread_/
   if ( regexpatt.test(last_piece) )
      alert('we have a winner!');
      alert('that was disappointing');

I am sure there is probably a more elegant way - you should probably search through the jquery docs for it, but this works... :)

+1  A: 
var src = $(data).find('.slide img').last().attr('src');
+1  A: 

Try the following.

var srcAttr = $('.slide img[src*=\/]', data).filter(function() {

            var src = $(this).attr('src');
            return src.substr(src.lastIndexOf("/")).indexOf('thread_') >= 0


Here I am doing the following things.

  1. The selector gets us all the images with their src tags having a "/".
  2. Filtering the images that have "thread_" after the last "/"
  3. Taking the last image of all such images
  4. Taking the src attribute of it.
I tested this and found that it is working with the examples you gave.
+1  A: 

Best guess, use a little .filter() with a RegExp, and then the .last() element in the set, grab its src using .attr('src')

var src = $('.slide img', data).filter(function() {
  // only keep <img> whos src have '/thread_' without another '/' before the end
  return $(this).attr('src').match(/\/thread_[^\/]*$/);

jsfiddle demo
