Hello . I have the following problem.
I have an object with some DateTime properties , and a Table in database that I store all that objects , in Sql server I want to store the DateTime properties in some columns of DateTime Datatype, but the format of datetime in sql server is different from the DateTime class in c# and I got an sql exception saying "DateTime cannot be parsed". I know how to solve this by making the format yyyy-MM-dd but is this the proper and best solution to do this?
public void UpdateInvitation(string ownerId, string couponKey, string status, string invitedEmail, DateTime? sentDate, DateTime? redeemedDate)
using (var con = new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString))
var command =
new SqlCommand(
"UPDATE INVITATIONS SET Status='@status', InvitedEmail='@invitedEmail', SentDate='@sentDate', RedeemDate='@redeemedDate' WHERE CouponKey='@CouponKey' AND OwnerId='@OwnerId'");
var ownerIdParam = new SqlParameter("@ownerId", ownerId);
var couponKeyParam = new SqlParameter("@couponKey", couponKey);
var statusParam = new SqlParameter("@status", status);
var invitedEmailParam = new SqlParameter("@invitedEmail", invitedEmail);
var sentDateParam = new SqlParameter("@sentDate", sentDate.Value) { SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime };
var redeemedDateParam = new SqlParameter("@redeemedDate", redeemedDate.Value) { SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime };
ownerIdParam, couponKeyParam, statusParam, invitedEmailParam,
sentDateParam, redeemedDateParam
command.Connection = con;
var rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
Log.DebugFormat("Invitation updated for owner id : [{0}] with key {1}, {2} rows affected", ownerId,
couponKey, rowsAffected);
catch (Exception exception)
throw new InvitationDataContextException(exception);