




I've built a newsletter system which tracks:

  • Openings
  • Link clicks
  • Unsubscriptions

However, I need to find a way of tracking which newsletter emails 'bounced back'.

Has anyone done this before and whats the best way of doing it?

Thanks, Curt


When sending the mail via SMTP you supply the FROM command which is sometimes referred to as the 'Sender' or 'Envelope Sender'. This is separate from the From: header in the email itself. What you want to do is to create a 'bounced' mailbox and set that as the 'Sender' for the email. If there is a bounce, then most mail servers will send a (NDR) notification back to this sender.

Then you need to periodically check this mailbox for NDR's and parse them for the original recipient and if it was a hard or soft bounce. There are various libraries that can do this for you such as ListNanny

Hugh Jeffner