




Vim is acting slow when I scroll. The cursor skips some lines when I'm pressing j/k continually.

I'm using xterm and urxvt. In both vim acts like this.

This happens locally, with small or big files. I do use Control + F/B they work just fine.

EDIT: ttyfast in small files did the trick but in bigger is the same. When running without customization it goes allright.

+3  A: 

Have you tried the 'ttyfast' option? See:

:help 'ttyfast'

for help, and:

:set ttyfast

to enable it.

Also, what version are you using? And have you tried this with no customizations to see if something you've set is interfering?

Run it like this to omit any of your vimrc settings and plugins:

vim -u NONE

EDIT: If removal of customizations fixes it. Remove things iteratively until the behavior returns. Start by narrowing it down to either a vimrc problem or to plugins.

Jeremy Cantrell
"if has("autocmd")" autocmd FileType python set complete+=k/home/lurst/.vim/pydiction-0.5/pydiction isk+=.,("endif " has("autocmd"I commented this lines and it worked :D thanks
+1  A: 

:set lazydraw will buffer screen updates instead of updating all the time. I generally enable it when I'm doing a complex macro playback. Might help you here.

Leonardo Constantino