




Hi I have written code for my wix project such that it creates and deletes a schedule task on install or uninstall respectively. But I want to give the users an option(Feature) during installation where they enable or disable the task to get created not. My code so far shows the option but creates the task even when I select disable.

+1  A: 

The feature level for your scheduled task is 1, your installlevel is going to be 1 or more, therefore this feature will always install. When your user selects an option it has to change the installlevel

Here is further info on features etc

here is your code in better formatting.

<Component Id='ScheduledTask' Guid='{ABDBFC55-F5DF-4DC9-92FF-DD9C7A5D4880}' KeyPath='yes'> 
    <File Source="../../apps/bin/Release/Swu.exe"></File> 
<Feature Id="SWUSchedTaskFeature" Title="Create a scheduled task" Level="1" Absent="allow" TypicalDefault="install" Description="Creates and configures Scheduled Task for the SWU application" Display="expand" AllowAdvertise="no">
    <ComponentRef Id="ScheduledTask"/>
Charles Gargent