i am creating a system. What i want to know is if a msg is unsupported what should it do? should i throw saying unsupported msg? should i return 0 or -1? or should i set an errno (base->errno_). Some messages i wouldnt care if there was an error (such as setBorderColour). Others i would (addText or perhaps save if i create a save cmd).
I want to know what the best method is for 1) coding quickly 2) debugging 3) extending and maintenance. I may make debugging 3rd, its hard to debug ATM but thats bc there is a lot of missing code which i didnt fill in. Actual bugs arent hard to correct. Whats the best way to let the user know there is an error?
The system works something like this but not exactly the same. This is C style and mycode has a bunch of inline functions that wrap settext(const char*text){ to msg(this, esettext, text)
Base base2, base;
base = get_root();
base2 = msg(base, create, BASE_TYPE);
msg(base2, setText, "my text");
const char *p = (const char *)msg(base2, getText);