I have debugging functions that are called in just about every function of a large program. They are conditionally turned on by a defined macro variable. I don't want these showing up in call graphs, since I can be fairly sure that every function has them. Is there a way to exclude the function from the graph
/*! Step 3:
* @callgraph
void step3(double * phi, //...
{ // CODE:
/// inner_quadratic_form:
/// \f$ s = (\phi_j^{\mathrm{(old)}})^T \Sigma_{\alpha\alpha} \phi_j^{\mathrm{(old)}}+1 \f$
double s = 1.0;debug_arg(s);
inner_quadratic_form(&s, old_phi_row, &one, ka, Saa, ka, dl, dp);
for example, the inner_quadratic form needs to be in the call graph but the debug_arg(s) does not. I think this is different from what is already on here because I need debug_arg documented but just not appearing in the call graphs.