I have an ASP.NET web app that retrieves a JSON collection and outputs the content of the collection, via LINQ to a StringBuilder that has a lot of table and other tags in HTML, with my data pieces interspersed.
This is what I mean:
<table cellpadding=""0"" class=""TableStyle"" style=""width: 70%; height: 100%;"" cellspacing=""5"">
<td class=""PicHolder"" style=""width: 151px"" rowspan=""2"">
<a href=""http://twitter.com/{0}"" target=""_blank""><img height=""45px"" width=""45px"" src=""{1}"" alt=""{4}""></td>
<td style=""width: 100%; height: 36px;"" class=""LinkTitleCell"" valign=""top"">
<span class=""BoldText"" style=""height: 23px"">
<a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank""><span class=""HyperLinks"">{6}</span></a></span></ br><span class=""NormText"">
<td style=""width: 100%; height: 10px;"" class=""MentionedXTimes"" valign=""top"">
<span class=""NormText"">Mentioned {3} time(s).</span></td>
<td style=""width: 151px"" class=""UserName""><span class=""UserName""><img height=""1"" src=""spacer.gif"" width=""1"" />{4}:</span></td>
<td style=""height: 23%; width: 100%"" class=""WhatUserSaid"" valign=""top"">
<td style=""width: 151px"" class=""UserName"">Info:</td>
<td style=""height: 24px; width: 100%"" class=""LinkTitleCell"" valign=""top""><span class=""NormText"">{7}</span></td>
<td style=""height: 9px; width: 151px""></td>
<td class=""LinkGreen"" style=""height: 9px; width: 100%"" valign=""top"">{2}</td>
<td style=""height: 9px; width: 151px""> </td>
<td class=""TableSpacer"" style=""height: 9px; width: 100%"" valign=""top""> </td>
count.First.userName, count.First.imgURL, newdata, count.Count, count.First.userName, count.First.txtDesc, (title != string.Empty) ? title2 : newdata, metaDesc2);
You can see all of the {0}
and {1}
data place holders I am using in the code above, and the reference to the data required at the end of the StringBuilder
method call.
I want to be able to separate the HTML from my app so that I can edit it more easily without having to escape all of the "" quote marks.
So I need a template that has place holder for where my data goes. This is a noob question and I know exactly what want but not how to implement it.
Any help much appreciated!