This is how I have things setup:
- container.html
- database1.js (contains large array called database1)
- database2.js (contains large array called database2)
Here's a sample of the array (shortened from 6000+ rows to 2):
var database1=[[
"2010-01-03 07:45","2010-01-03 11:00","534","A","","","","","Installed washing machine","0","1","1","Indeed","",""],[
"2010-03-20 15:00","2010-03-20 16:00","571","F","","","","","Installed oven","0","5","1","Indeed","",""],[
When I append database1.js to the head on the container the memory used for IE in windows jumps from 7,7MB to 21,9MB. This is fine, I can now loop though the array called database1 (first row and column is at database1[0][0]).
The problem is that I need to re-append the database file from time to time and in doing so the memory usage increases (I thought the database array would be overwritten).
So the first re-append pushes memory usage in IE up to 30,4MB but then continues to increase on each re-append: 30,4MB > 33,9MB > 39,5MB > 42,1MB etc.
To prevent this from happening I now clear each item in the array before I re-append the database1 file.
for ( var i=0, il=database1.length; i<il; i++ ){
delete database1[i];
//append database1.js to head code here
This does help. The memory usage doesn't decrease to the initial 7,7MB but does however decrease from 21,9MB to 14,1MB. The next re-append increases the memory to 25,9MB (clearing with the loop: 18,8MB). The next re-append increases the memory to 29,3MB (clearing with the loop: 24,5MB).
I'm glad the memory usage is not climbing as fast but perhaps this can be optimized further? Unfortunately reloading the HTML page is not an option.