Hi I have this code:
var store = GetStore();
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream fileStream = store.OpenFile(RootData, FileMode.Create))
DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(List<Root>));
serializer.WriteObject(fileStream, rootdatalist);
But this only serializes the rootdatalist, and not the subitems. The rootdatalist has a nodes List property, how do I serialize that, so that I get the list hierarchy serialized?
Since it's dbml generated objects the Nodes property of Root is
public System.Data.Linq.Table<Node> Nodes
return this.GetTable<Node>();
My Datacontext return is:
public List<Root> GetRootList(Guid userid)
DataLoadOptions loadopts = new DataLoadOptions();
loadopts.LoadWith<Root>(s => s.Nodes);
this.DataContext.LoadOptions = loadopts;
return this.DataContext.Root.Where(s => s.Nodes.Count(n => n.UserId == userid) > 0).ToList();
the Node entityset looks as follows in my dbml designer
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AssociationAttribute(Name="Root_Node", Storage="_Nodes", ThisKey="Id", OtherKey="RootId")]
[global::System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute(Order=5, EmitDefaultValue=false)]
public EntitySet<Node> Nodes
if ((this.serializing && (this._Nodes.HasLoadedOrAssignedValues == false)))
return null;
return this._Nodes;
Also I have to have the [Include]
tag above my properties or nothing will be loaded.
To others wanting to serialize dbml classes http://blogs.msdn.com/b/wriju/archive/2007/11/27/linq-to-sql-enabling-dbml-file-for-wcf.aspx