Basically I have 4 images and 4 button. All 4 images are black and white.
Button1 click -- > toggles image 1 from black and white to color image
Button2 click -- > same for image2
Button3 click -- > same for image3
Button4 click -- > same for image4
So far my code is partially working. Problem is that when I click button 1 and then click button 2....at that point both image1 and image2 will stay as color images.
What I would like to do is that on any button click check to see if any other images are toggled as color images , if so then toggle them back to black and white and only toggle selected images to color image.
Button2 click -- > First: check to see if any images toggled as color iamges , if so toggle them back
second:toggle image2 from black and white to color images
<button id="btn1" >Toggle1</button
<button id="btn2" >Toggle2</button
<button id="btn3" >Toggle3</button
<button id="btn4" >Toggle4</button
<div class="div1" ><img src="graphics/image1_black.jpg" /></div
<div class="div1 divblack" style="display: none"><img src="graphics/image1.jpg" /></div
<div class="div2" ><img src="graphics/image2_black.jpg" /></div
<div class="div2 divblack" style="display: none"><img src="graphics/image2.jpg" /></div
<div class="div3" ><img src="graphics/iamge3_black.jpg" /></div
<div class="div3 divblack" style="display: none"><img src="graphics/image3.jpg" /></div
<div class="div4" ><img src="graphics/iamge4_black.jpg" /></div
<div class="div4 divblack" style="display: none"><img src="graphics/iamge4.jpg" /></div
$("#btn1").click(function() {
$("#btn2").click(function() {
$("#btn3").click(function() {
$("#btn4").click(function() {
This is what I am trying to do. As you can see my class overlap between images. So one image can have more than 1 class. This is causing buttons to toggle already toggeled images.
<button id="btn1" >Toggle1</button>
<button id="btn2" >Toggle2</button>
<button id="btn3" >Toggle3</button>
<button id="btn4" >Toggle4</button>
<img class="im1" src="image1_bw.jpg" />
<img class="im1 im2" src="image2_bw.jpg" />
<img class="im2 im3" src="image3_bw.jpg" />
<img class="im4" src="image4_bw.jpg" />
// Use the same handler for all button elements
// where the ID starts with "btn"
$("[id^=btn]").click(function() {
// Grab the number from the end of the ID
var number = this.id.match(/\d+$/)[0];
// Find the image ID ending in the same number
// and modify its src, toggling the "_black" part of it
var $img = $(".im" + number).attr('src', function(i, attr) {
return /_bw/.test(attr) ? attr.replace(/_bw/, '') : attr.replace(/.jpg/, '_bw.jpg');
// Get the rest of elements with IDs starting with "img"
// and modify their src, removing "_black"
$("[id^=img]").not($img).attr('src', function(i, attr) {
return attr.replace('_bw', '');