



I have 3 tables:

  • listing
  • photo
  • calendar

"photo" and "calendar" both have a "listing_id" column in them and every "listing" has a "photo". But I only want to select rows that have no entry in the "calendar" table with the matching "listing_id".

I'm not sure if I'm saying it correctly, but any help would be greatly appreciated. And if someone could show me CodeIgniter syntax, that'd be even better.


Should work as an SQL query. Not sure about CI syntax. Sorry!

SELECT * FROM listing WHERE listing_id NOT IN (SELECT listing_id FROM calendar)

Dan G
I can't respond directly to your comment, but I'm not quite seeing where free_dates come in. Are you looking for results from the "calendar" table about what's there, or what's not there?
Dan G
+1  A: 

This will produce the list of calendar.free_date values that should not be returned because their associated listing_id values do not exist in the listing table.

select free_date from calendar c 
 where not exists (select * from listing 
                    where listing_id = c.listing_id);