I am using execAndWait interceptor and it seems the session is lost after the interceptor..
my code is - struts-lcms.xml
<action name="testAction" class="com.lcms.presentation.TestAction">
<interceptor-ref name="execAndWait"></interceptor-ref>
<param name="delay">3000</param>
<param name="delaySleepInterval">50</param>
<result name="wait" type="tiles">tiles.ques</result>
<result name="success" type="tiles">tiles.ques</result>
<result name="diag" type="redirectAction">diagnosticAction</result>
If I remove the interceptor code then it takes me to the question page (tiles.ques) .. However, with the interceptor the session is null..
This code in execute method in the TestAction file
SessionObject sess = (SessionObject)getSession().getAttribute(LcmsConstants.SESSION_OBJECT);
it gives the session correctly if the interceptor is not used.. however, if the interceptor code is used then it throws NULL pointer exception..
Please tell me how to overcome this problem..