



hey ppl, i am new to r language.. so i just want to know how array indexing is done in r language , i mean like sorting or any calcultaions that involve 2-d arrays.

+2  A: 

Here is a link that you may find useful.

One more: Programming in R

well, i was writing a code where i had to perform a calculation like this a[i]=(-12*(a[i]+a[i+1])+3*(a[i+2]+a[i+3])+14*a[i+4])/35now this showed me an error:Error in[i], a[i + 4]) : + only defined for equally-sized data framesi am unable to understand what kind of error it is..!!!although i tried various possibilities i am unsuccessful so guys please help me out..!!
It depends on what `a` is. If it is a dataframe then a[2] means the second column. If you need a single element you have to give both row and column indices, e.g. a[1,2]. If you want, say, the third row, you'll have to give a[3,]
+1  A: 

It depends,

To index elements use square brackets: ar[1], or ar[1,1] for 2d. Whole columns and rows are: ar[,1] or ar[1,]

For sorting, look at the sort and order functions.

For calculations using 2d arrays, you can have:

Elementwise: ar1+ar2, ar1*ar2

Inner product: ar1%*%ar2

Outer product: outer(ar1,ar2) or ar1%o%ar2

You must take care that the dimensions of the arrays are correct for what you want to do, though R will automatically try to recycle elements to complete a calculation.

One thing to note is that indexing is 1-based, not 0-based as in most languages, ie the first element is ar[1].

well, i was writing a code where i had to perform a calculation like this a[i]=(-12*(a[i]+a[i+1])+3*(a[i+2]+a[i+3])+14*a[i+4])/35 now this showed me an error: Error in[i], a[i + 4]) : + only defined for equally-sized data frames i am unable to understand what kind of error it is..!!! although i tried various possibilities i am unsuccessful so guys please help me out..!! –
Well it seems that a is a dataframe, so you might want to coerce it to a matrix (`as.matrix(a)`), or extract a vector (by referencing a whole row or column as above). Depends whats in it really.