




Are there any books in the market that you are aware which is written by a financier -or anyone from an industry which is not IT- to a programmer in terms of letting him briefly understand the market's business logic.

Actually I am looking it for banking field to get familiar with the basic principles that I may need to know as a developer if I move to a project that is focused on banking related processes.

Thank you

+2  A: 

Essvale Corporation put out a large catalog of books sharing the generic title 'Business Knowledge for IT in...' such as...

... and the list goes on. I'm sure you will find what you are looking for in that list. I believe they are all on O'Reilly Safari Books Online as well.

I also recommend Stephen Valdez 'Introduction to Global Financial Markets'.

James Webster
james: the books you recommended has no rating on Amazon. Investment Banking has only one rating and it's 1 out of 5. I understand that the topic would be dry but topics are explained as what is it, why is it and followed by example them it becomes much more interesting. Example: What is BPV, Why use BPV, how BPV is calculated and the example that put them all together. Thanks
+1  A: 

In addition to those books recommended by James in his answer, which are excellent, I also highly recommend All About Derivatives.

For more general reading on the mechanics and inner workings of financial markets, I'd recommend reading books such as Liar's Poker, When Genius Failed & The Big Short. These give accounts of various market catastrophes, but also provide a great insight into how markets work & the inner working of the institutions involved.

Winston Smith