




Is there any way I could catch any uncaught exception in javascript? I mean, all my "dangerous" code are in try-catch blocks. But what about exceptions that I don't handle explicitly? I'm using jQuery, my main javascript file starts with :


here I bind some events to some DOM elements. I can use try-catch blocks here, but they will caught exceptions that occured during the event binding procedure, not during the event handling. But if I used try-catch blocks in every event handling functions it would be ugly.

How should I catch exceptions that are not ouccured in my explicit try-catch blocks? (I don't want to write a general handler function, I just want to send the problem to my server)


You can use the window.onerror event handler, it's not supported in Opera though and it may not fire in certain situations (thanks @Josh).

It's not really wise to do this, however, it will make bug finding a nightmare for a start. It's generally best to make sure your code is error free in the first place :-) You certainly shouldn't need to use try... catch statements very often in JavaScript and you definitely shouldn't be using empty catch blocks.

I can use try-catch blocks here, but they will caught exceptions that occured during the event binding procedure, not during the event handling.

You can also add try/catch blocks to inner scopes:

// Outer
try { 
catch (e) {
    /* Error handling */

// Inner
    try { /* ... */ } catch (e) { /* Error handling */ }
Andy E
This event may or may not fire, depending on the user agent configuration.
Josh Stodola
More here:
Josh Stodola
@Josh: thanks for that :-)
Andy E
+2  A: 

You could write a function that would wrap your real handlers in a try/catch

function tc(func, msg) {
  msg = msg || "Handler exception";
  return function(e) {
    try {
      return func(e);
    catch (exc) {
      $.post( /* send exception to server? */ );
      throw exc; // let nature take its course

(Might want to get fancier with argument handling etc.) Then when you bind handlers you'd do:

$('#whatever').click(tc(function(e) {
  // your handler function
}, "This is the message sent to the server when this handler fails"));
cool stuff, i never use exceptions.
Luca Matteis