



In a project I am working on, I need to validate a date entered into an <input type="date">

With Safari 4/5 (on Mac OSX) the Javascript fails to parse dates of the format YYYY-MM-DD, returning NaN instead of the expected epoch timestamp.

I am using the following technique to validate the field just before the form is submitted:

//value = '2010-06-21'
var stamp = Date.parse(value);
if (isNaN(stamp)) {
    //notify user
} else {
    value = new Date(stamp).format_mysql();

Where format_mysql() is a prototype function that formats the date (correctly) into MySQL Date-Time format (YYYY-MM-DD).

Replacing the -'s with /'s (YYYY/MM/DD) yields a "correct" timestamp.

I should note that the field should accept any date format, not just YYYY-MM-DD, and that though I would like to, I cannot use libraries like Date.js

How can I fix this, or is there a better way to parse/validate a date?

+4  A: 

The behavior of the Date.parse method is implementation dependent, on ECMAScript 5, this method can parse ISO8601 formatted dates, but I would recommend you to make the parsing manually.

Some time ago I've made a simple function, that can handle a format specifier argument:

function parseDate(input, format) {
  format = format || 'yyyy-mm-dd'; // default format
  var parts = input.match(/(\d+)/g), 
      i = 0, fmt = {};
  // extract date-part indexes from the format
  format.replace(/(yyyy|dd|mm)/g, function(part) { fmt[part] = i++; });

  return new Date(parts[fmt['yyyy']], parts[fmt['mm']]-1, parts[fmt['dd']]);

parseDate('06.21.2010', 'mm.dd.yyyy');
parseDate('21.06.2010', '');
parseDate('2010/06/21', 'yyyy/mm/dd');

Also you could detect the ECMAScript 5 behavior to parse ISO formatted dates, you can check if the Date.prototype.toISOString is available, e.g.:

if (typeof Date.prototype.toISOString == "function") {
  // ES5 ISO date parsing available
+1, you beat me to it. As advice to the OP, I would consider moving away from a single input element for dates to avoid the situation where a user inputs dates in their own locale (e.g. mixing up dd and mm). Either that or use a read-only input and a date picker control.
Andy E
@CMS: Unless I understand wrongly, your function would only apply when I know the date format before hand, correct?@Andy E's head: Separate inputs is a good idea, and something I will look into. Thanks for the tip.
Austin Hyde
@Austin, yes, you have to know the format somehow, otherwise you will have a lot of ambiguities, e.g. `"01/02/2010"` vs `"02/01/2010"`, which one January 2, and which is February 1?

the field should accept any date format

You don't mean what you think you mean.

  • It's difficult to reliably distinguish between M/D/Y (US) and D/M/Y (UK). D.M.Y is more common in the UK, but by no means universal.
  • Good luck with dates before around 1600 — the Gregorian (solar) calendar was introduced in 1582, and was only (mostly universally) adopted in the 20th century (Wikipedia gives 1929). February 30 was a valid date Sweden.
  • OS X gives you a choice of 13 (!) calendars, though the default is Gregorian.

Instead, I recommend using a calendar widget. I think JQuery has one, but ICBW.

Well, I'm targeting a fairly small US audience, looking at dates from 2000+, and more than likely the Gregorian calendar. Yes, jQuery has a datepicker widget as part of its UI package, but I cannot use it :(. When I say "any date format" I mean "June 21, 2010", "6/21/10", "2010-06-21", etc all represent the same date.
Austin Hyde
If you mean "any vaguely common date format in the US", you probably have to write your own.

You can get an unambiguous date from input, but you still need to check it, so a user doesn't give you April 31.

<fieldset id= "localdate"> 
<select id= "monthselect" size= "1"> 
<option selected= "selected"> January</option> 
<option> February</option> 
<option> March</option> 
<option> April</option> 
<option> May</option> 
<option> June</option> 
<option> July</option> 
<option> August</option> 
<option> September</option> 
<option> October</option> 
<option> November</option> 
<option> December</option> 
<label> Date: <input name= "inputdate" size= "2" value= "1"> </label> 
<label> Year: <input name= "inputyear" size= "4" value= "2010"> </label> 

shortcut for document.getElementsByName

function byName(s, n){ n= n || 0; return document.getElementsByName(s)[n]; }

function getDateInput(){
    var day, y= parseInt(byName('inputyear').value),
    m= byName('monthselect').selectedIndex,
    d= parseInt(byName('inputdate').value);

    if(!y || y<1000 || y> 3000) throw 'Bad Year '+y;
    if((!d || d<1 || d> 32) throw 'Bad Date '+d;
    day= new Date(y,m,d);
    if(day.getDate()!= d) throw 'Bad Date '+d;
    value= day.format_mysql();

you can preset the fields to reflect the current date onload

onload= function(){
    var now= new Date();
    byName('inputyear').value= now.getFullYear();
    byName('monthselect').selectedIndex= now.getMonth();
    byName('inputdate').value= now.getDate();