



Hey all. Basically, I need "(this)" in my function to correspond to this selection:

$(".widget .portfolio img")

But I want alternative ways of running this function, one when it is cilcked, and one in intervals, like this:

function cycle()
  var poo = $(this).attr("id");

    $(".widget .portfolio img").click(function() {

    setInterval(function() {

    }, 4000);


The problem is that when the interval runs, the function's value of "(this)" is that of the setInterval function - but I want it to be the selection I said above... if I could do something like this, it would be ideal:

setInterval(function() {
        cycle($(".widget .portfolio img"));

I think I just need a simple something in the function... any ideas? Thanks in advance :)

+1  A: 

You can use call() or apply() or using jQuery 1.4+ jQuery.proxy().

Using call() / apply() (the only difference between these is passing arguments to the function). Every function can be called using call/apply, the first argument will be the context (this) for the function call, and the second/more arguments are the arguments to the function. apply() takes the function arguments as an array, where call() takes them individually.

var $imgs = $('.widget .portfolio img'), imgNum = -1;

setInterval(function() {
   imgNum = (imgNum + 1) % $imgs.length;
   // to simulate cycling through the items for instance?$imgs.get(imgNum)); 


This function is slightly different (and not really applicable to this situation), but can also be used to set the this context for a function. What proxy() does is take a function, and returns another function that calls the original function forcing its context to what you specify. Here's an example of using $.proxy() to map a call to always be in the context of the calling object.

thanks, but how exactly?
+1  A: 

pass a reference (or a jquery selector) to cycle.

function cycle(obj)
  var poo = obj.attr("id");


function cycle(sel)
  var poo = $(sel).attr("id");

then you can use either cycle($(".widget .portfolio img")) or cycle(".widget .portfolio img") according to which you prefer.

My preference would be passing a reference, as I could then do this:

$(".widget .portfolio img").click(function() {

    setInterval(function() {
        cycle($(".widget .portfolio img"));

    }, 4000);
function cycle(me) 
  var poo = me.attr("id"); 

$(".widget .portfolio img").click(function() { 

setInterval('cycle($(".widget .portfolio img"))', 4000);
Mark Schultheiss
wish I woulda thought of that :)