



A coworker just installed Visual-Studio-2010 Premium from MSDN. The install acted like it worked fine, but when he clicks the "File" menu, he only has "new file". On my installation, I see a "New" menu with a sub-menu that contains Projects, Files, Team Projects.

Any ideas of things to check or how to fix his installation. I think he did a repair already.

+2  A: 

Try Tools + Import and Export + Reset. Next step is to run devenv.exe with the /safemode command line option to ensure this isn't an add-in that's causing problems.

Hans Passant
That's was amazingly simple - and it definitely fixed the problem. Any idea why a clean install would require this?
The VS2010 installer tries to preserve menu, toolbar and keyboard customizations made in an earlier version so you'll get started with everything looking familiar. That doesn't always seem to work correctly however.
Hans Passant

I suspect you've installed the wrong version of VS - it sounds like you just have the VS shell but not any of the language/project support. Can you confirm which ISO you installed from?

Dan Puzey

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