



I'm using DevPartner to track down memory leaks in a long-running .NET/WPF app. DevPartner tells me what classes are being leaked over time (primarily WeakReference, but also EffectiveValueEntry and WeakDependencySource).

What I need to know is what other object(s) still have references to these in order to prevent them from being garbage-collected. The DevPartner "View RAM Footprint" report (while the app is running) SHOULD give me this information... but the report will not display.

I'm running the program under "Memory Analysis" mode, and I can see a list of classes with the highest memory consumption or highest instance count. The "View RAM Footprint" button is enabled, but pressing it appears to have no effect.

I was wondering if anybody else has encountered this issue or if anybody has any suggestions on how to get the report working again.

I tried to look at the MicroFocus forums, but they appear to be down.