The function below prints a color raster image to a PCL-5 printer. The function was adapted from a 2-color (1bpp) printing function we had that worked perfectly, except for the grainy 2-color printing. The problem is that the image comes out with a large black bar extending from the right of the image to the edge of the page like this:
The image itself looks perfect, otherwise.
Various PCL-to-PDF tools don't show the image at all, which leads me to believe I've forgotten do to something. Appropriate resets (\u001bE\u001b%-12345X) were sent before, and page-feeds after.
Any PCL experts out there? I've got the PCL 5 Color Technical Reference Manual, and it's gotten me this far. This last thing is driving me crazy though.
*Edit: I now know what command is causing the problem, but I don't know why:
This should keep the image rotated along with the page (portrait, landscape). If I remove this, the problem goes away. I can compensate by rotating the bitmap beforehand, but I really want to know what caused this!
static void PrintImage()
// Get an image into memory
Image original = Image.FromFile("c:\\temp\\test.jpg");
Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(original, original.Width, original.Height);
stream(String.Format("\u001b*p{0:d}x*p{1:d}Y", 1000, 1000));// Set cursor.
stream("\u001b*t300R"); // 300 DPI
stream(String.Format("\u001b*r{0:d}T", original.Height)); // Height
stream(String.Format("\u001b*r{0:d}S", original.Width)); // Width
stream("\u001b*r3U"); // 8-bit color palette
stream("\u001b*r0F"); // Follow logical page layout (landscape, portrait, etc..)
// Set palette depth, 3 bytes per pixel RGB
stream("\u001b*r1A"); // Start raster graphics
stream("\u001b*b0M"); // Compression 0 = None, 1 = Run Length Encoding
// Not fast, but fast enough.
List<byte> colors = new List<byte>();
for (int y2 = 0; y2 < original.Height; y2++)
for (int x2 = 0; x2 < original.Width; x2++)
Color c = newBitmap.GetPixel(x2, y2);
stream(String.Format("\u001b*b{0}W", colors.Count)); // Length of data to send
streamBytes(colors.ToArray()); // Binary data
stream("\u001b*rB"); // End raster graphics (also tried *rC -- no effect)