Can anybody point out why? I can't see the problem.
String to search: "aassaas"
String to search with: "as"
STMFD SP!, {R4-R7, LR}
MOV R6, #0 @Matches found
MOV R3, #0 @Placeholder
LOOP: LDRB R4, [R0] @R4 = String to search
LDRB R5, [R1] @R5 = String to search with
CMP R4, R5 @Do they match?
ADDEQ R3, R3, #1 @If yes, increase placeholder
LDREQB R4, [R0, #1]! @Get next char
LDREQB R5, [R1, #1]! @Get next char
BLNE RESET @If not, reset placeholder and strings.
@R0 is nevertheless initial pos+1
CMP R5, #0 @Is string to search with at the end?
ADDEQ R6, R6, #1 @If so, add +1 to matches
BLEQ RESET @Reset placeholder and strings.
CMP R4, #0 @Is the string to search finished?
BNE LOOP @If not, start over.
MOV R0, R6 @If so, move answer into R0.
LDMFD SP!, {R4-R7, PC} @Jump back.
CMP R3, #0 @Is the placeholder at 0? (initial position)
SUBNE R0, R0, R3 @If not, subtract from String to search pos
SUBNE R1, R1, R3 @And string to be searched pos
ADDNE R0, R0, #1 @Increment string to search+1 so we don't start at the same spot
MOVNE R3, #0 @Empty the placeholder
LDMFD SP!, {PC} @Jump back