I have a table that looks something like this:
CREATE TABLE student_results(id integer, name varchar(32), score float);
Lets make the following two assumptions:
- assume that the score goes from 0 to a maximum of 100.
- assume that I want to grade students in 'step sizes' of 10
so I want to apply the following grading:
Score Grade Awarded
0-10 GRADE9
10-20 GRADE8
20-30 GRADE7
30-40 GRADE6
40-50 GRADE5
50-60 GRADE4
60-70 GRADE3
70-80 GRADE2
80-90 GRADE1
99-100 GENIUS
I would like to write an SQL query that takes in the following input arguments:
lowest score: 0 in this example
highest score: 100 in this example
'step' size: 10 in this example
As ever, if possible, I would like to write such a query using ANSI SQL. If I have to choose a database, then in order of DECREASING preference, it would have to be:
- PostgreSQL
Could someone please explain how I may be able to write an SQL query that does this kind of grading, using the above table as an example?
Sample input data
1, 'homer', 10.5
2. 'santas little helper', 15.2
3, 'bart', 20.5
4, 'marge', 40.5
5. 'lisa', 100
I will have an SQL function grade_rank() - that ranks the student:
The arguments for function grade_rank() are :
1st argument: LOWEST possible score value
2nd argument: HIGHEST possible score value
3rd argument: step size, which determines the levels/divisions between the ranks
select id, name, grade_rank(0,100, 10) grade from student_scores;
the output (based on the input above) should be:
1, homer, GRADE9
2. santas liitle helper GRADE9
3, bart, GRADE8
4, marge, GRADE6
5. lisa, GENIUS