I'm making a function that concatenates ternary trees of lists, using an accumulator.
19 data Ttree t = Nil | Node3 t (Ttree t) (Ttree t) (Ttree t)
21 acc :: Ttree [a] -> [a]
22 acc tree = acc' tree []
24 acc' :: Ttree [a] -> [a] -> [a]
25 acc' Nil rest = rest
26 acc' (Node3 xs l m r) rest =
27 xs $ acc' l $ acc' m $ acc' r rest
I get this error, using ghc. But I don't see how the expected type of xs is a -> b:
Couldn't match expected type `a -> b' against inferred type `[a1]'
In the first argument of `($)', namely `xs'