



Using Microsoft MessageQueue there seem to be a memory leak related to the PeekCompleted event. I found a related question on experts exchange from 2005, but with no proper answer/solution:

Using ANTS Memory Profiler I can see that I get additional pinned instances of Byte[], Int32[], System.Messaging.Interop.MQPROPVARIANTS[], and System.Threading.OverlappedData each time PeekCompleted is triggered.

Reference chain: Byte[] < Object[] < MessagePropertyVariants < Message < AsynchronousRequest < OverlappedData and IOCompletionCallback. The OverlappedData is referenced by GC Roots and System.Threading.Overlapped, and from Overlapped there seems to be a reference back to OverlappedData again, making it a cycle (?).

We are pretty sure we're using MSMQ correctly, and have been experimenting with different stuff, like making sure we dispose the incoming Message object, calling EndPeek explisitly etc, but no luck. No simple code to pinpoint the problem have been produced so far, but is probably my next step. There is obviously the possibility that we are using it wrong, but right now we think there's actually a problem with MSMQ. The leak is small, but over time it adds up.

Does anyone have an idea of how to resolve this memory leak? Similar experiences?