



I am making a web page to be viewed in all platforms including the Android web browser. However, I have a problem.

I have a Droid Incredible, and when I view the webpage on my phone's browser, there is a little over 1 screen high of blank space added to the bottom of the page. I've made the page as absolutely standard as possible (XHTML 1.0 strict), used the Yahoo Reset CSS file and applied my own margin:0;padding:0;, and put all the HTML on one line to eliminate spacing that was being caused by newlines in the source code (it was an XHTML thing apparently).

Oddly enough, the browser displays it perfectly in landscape mode. It displays only the page and stops at the borders as it's supposed to. But when I turn it back to portrait, the blank space is at the bottom again.

Here is my page: [taken down, sorry]

How can I remove the blank space at the bottom of the page?