Today, I've been looking at Maven Multi-Module and EAR projects and they seem quite similar in that both seem to define an assembly of a collection of other projects - it almost seems like an EAR project should just be an alternate packaging for a multi-module project.
Have I misunderstood something? Or do these types of project work together?
Following Pascal's answer: Updated to clarify the question, hopefully that will help if it's not easy to understand; sorry it's maybe not phrased very well, the ear stuff is kinda new to me...
So say I have two projects, one producing a war and the other a utility jar. The war depends on the jar and I need to package them up into an ear for deployment. Should I use a project with a pom packaging type? I guess I have to use a project with an ear packaging type somewhere to produce the final artifact, so am I best using just a project with ear packaging, or projects with both pom and ear? If both, how?