The following questions are about XML serialization/deserialization and schema validation for a .net library of types which are to be used for data exchange.
First question, if I have a custom xml namespace say "http://mydomain/mynamespace" do I have to add a
[XmlRoot(Namespace = "http://mydomain/mynamespace")]
to every class in my library. Or is there a way to define this namespace as default for the whole assembly?
Second question, is there a reason behind the always added namespaces
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""
even if there is no actual reference to any of the namespaces? I just feel they add noise to the resulting xml. Is there a way to remove them an only have the custom namespace in the resulting xml?
Third question, are there tools to support the generation of schema definitions (e.g. for all public [Serializable] classes of an assembly) and the validation of xml against specific schemas available?
If there are, would you recommend XML Schema from W3C or RELAX NG?