



I have an simple custom object called MyObject (a couple of basic properties and a List(of MyObject), so it's recursive) that I need to serialize for storage. I'm not sure if I'll serialize to XML or Binary yet, but I want to make sure I'm using the most up-to-date methods for doing it, as there are a few different namespaces involved and I might be missing something.

  • To do XML, I'd use System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer
  • To do binary, I'd use System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter

There's also a System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter, but MSDN claims it's depreciated in favor of BinaryFormatter. I would have expected everything to be in the second namespace above - is there a newer version of the XmlSerializer that I should be using?

+2  A: 

Those are the correct, current implementations for serialization.

The XMLSerializer is in the System.Xml.Serialization namespace instead of the System.Runtime namespace - I suspect this is because of its location (in the System.XML.dll assembly) and its dependencies on the System.Xml namespace in general.

Also, FYI - when there are newer versions of a class that are to be used in favor of older versions, MSDN flags them as "Obsolete". For example, see XmlDataDocument's help - the first line is:

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Reed Copsey
I realize I'm targeting .NET 2.0, even though the answer seems to be the same for 4.0. Nothing has changed in the last few years with regards to these methods?
@rwmnau: Nope. The link I posted was .NET 4 - though you'll see in .NET 2 that link was the appropriate class. Luckily for you, in this case, you'll be using the same API that is current in .NET 4.
Reed Copsey
@Reed Copsey: I mean that I'm targeting 2.0, and the namespaces I've referred to in my question appear to still be the best choice, since I assume that by "still current" you mean "as of 4.0, they're still the right choice". In any case, thanks for the affirmation - I was concerned that I was missing a much better choice somewhere in this gigantic framework...
@rwmnau: Yes. The APIs listed are the best choice for those specific serialization forms in both .NET 2.0 and .NET 4.0 (and 3.5!).
Reed Copsey

For JSON serialization, you can use:

using System.Web.Script.Serialization;



I had some difficulty getting this to work smoothly in .NET 2.0. See my answer to my own question here.

Ben McCormack
+1  A: 

There is also DataContractSerializer, which is as of .NET 3.5. It has some improvements over XmlSerializer in a several areas.
