I have implemented my version of sutherland-hodgman polygon clipping algorithm, but I believe my implementation could be better. So I am wondering whether there is a standard implementation.
Here is my implementation
bool shclip(stPt** verts, int *n, float left, float right, float bottom, float top)
if (leftclip(verts, n, left) &&
rightclip(verts, n, right) &&
bottomclip(verts, n, bottom) &&
topclip(verts, n, top))
return true;
return false;
bool leftclip(stPt** verts, int *n, float left)
int v1, v2;
float x1, x2, y1, y2;
float relx, rely;
v1 = v2 = 0;
while (v1 < *n) {
x1 = ((*verts)[v1]).x;
x2 = ((*verts)[(v1 + 1) % *n]).x;
if (x1 < left) {
if (x2 > left) {
y1 = ((*verts)[v1]).y; y2 = ((*verts)[(v1 + 1) % *n]).y;
relx = x2 - x1; rely = y2 - y1;
nverts1[v2].y = (left - x1) * rely / relx + y1;
nverts1[v2].x = left;
nverts1[v2+1].y = ((*verts)[(v1 + 1) % *n]).y;
nverts1[v2+1].x = ((*verts)[(v1 + 1) % *n]).x;
v2 += 2;
} else {
if (x2 > left) {
nverts1[v2].x = ((*verts)[(v1 + 1) % *n]).x; nverts1[v2].y = ((*verts)[(v1 + 1) % *n]).y;
} else {
y1 = ((*verts)[v1]).y; y2 = ((*verts)[(v1 + 1) % *n]).y;
relx = x2 - x1; rely = y2 - y1;
nverts1[v2].y = (left - x1) * rely / relx + y1;
nverts1[v2].x = left;
if (v2 != 0) {
*n = v2;
(*verts) = nverts1;
return true;
} else
return false;
1 It seems that I do not understand the algorithm cause my textbook does not explain it clearly. I looked at the orignal thesis, but could not manage to figure it out.
2 The code I written is not retreent.
3 I pass the vertexs between two clipper by copy from one vertex array to another vertex array which is not efficient. I thought I could use linklist or something that is much better data structure for the algorithm.
4 What I mean with 'standard implementation' better to be the code implementated by the algorithm designer like nicholl-lee-nicholl or implementations in widly used standard library / graphic library.