hi all, my requirement is that when ever i select a row(inputRowSelect ) in datatable i need to get the object for that selected row. there can be a single radio button and at the same time i want this to work for multiple selections as well(check boxes).
i tried using valuchangelistner as well but didnt help. please give me pointers or code snippets as to how do go about this. i want this to work with ibm tags hx:inputRowSelect
my code snippet is as below
<hx:dataTableEx border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%"
columnClasses="columnClass1" headerClass="headerClass"
footerClass="footerClass" rowClasses="rowClass1, rowClass2"
styleClass="dataTableEx" id="searchResultsTable"
<hx:columnEx id="columnEx11">
<hx:inputRowSelect styleClass="inputRowSelect" id="rowSelect1"
selectOne="true" value="#{searchitr.selectedIND}"></hx:inputRowSelect>
<f:facet name="header"></f:facet>
<hx:columnEx id="columnEx2">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText id="lblCnum" styleClass="outputText"
<h:outputText styleClass="inputText" id="dttxtCnum" value="#{searchitr.assignee.personID}"></h:outputText>
Thanks, Tejas