



Hey, I am using my laptop to run MATLAB and it's very convenient but SLOW. We have strong servers that run MATLAB but it's more convenient for me to run the application with UI on my laptop (as opposed to say running Matlab through command line).

Is it possible to run matlab on Windows, locally, with UI, just that the code runs on a remote server (and thus quicker)?


+3  A: 

Several options spring to mind, not all of which answer the precise question that you posed. Given that your laptop is Windows, you could do one of these things:

  1. Use remote desktop to connect to the server and run MATLAB there
  2. If the server is UNIX, you could run an X server on your laptop (there's a free one with cygwin)
  3. You could use the Parallel Computing Toolbox and MATLAB Distributed Computing Server to open a matlabpool on the server.

Options (1) and (2) basically mean you're transmitting the MATLAB UI over the wire to your laptop. Option (3) is sort-of most like what you originally asked for, but the matlabpool only runs the body of PARFOR and SPMD blocks on the server.


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