



Here my Jquery code:

            $('.smenu li').hover(function() {       
                var lid = $(this).find('li').attr('id'); 
               //show perticular div
                if(lid == "d1")
                        $('.hbg div#info1').show();
                else if(lid == "d2")
                else if(lid == "d3")

            function closeAll()   


Here my info div-s:

<div class="hbg">
            <div class="solu_info" id="info1">
              //display information
            <div class="solu_info" id="info2">
              //display information

<div class="smenu">
                  <li id="d1"><a href="#"><img src="images/menu_hosp.jpg" border="0"></a></li>

onmouse over the div tags are not getting changed. Why?

+8  A: 

if else statement is just javascript, nothing to do with jquery. It always works. If it does not what you expect it to do something in your code logic is wrong.

@nectar: If you can't articulate your problem properly there is no need to be rude. We are trying to help, you should be thankful.
Felix Kling
and I answered your question with the correct answer. (ps: I'm not an elephant with huge ears.)
@nectar whats with the attitude? chill a bit and people will provide better help
+5  A: 

Maybe it has to be:

var lid = $(this).attr('id');

just alert(lid) and check if it contains a value (most likely not in your code).

You current code gets the id of a li element inside the li element.

Obviously , if-else will work if your code is right. Remember, it is more likely that you did something wrong as that the language has an error ;)

Seriously, you should read some tutorials and the documentation before posting a lot of questions here. Then you would know what find() is doing and which elements $('.smenu li') is selecting.


Ok, just for you:

This is your HTML

<div class="smenu">
      <li id="d1">...</li>   // #1
      <li id="d2">...</li>   // #1

the selector $('.smenu') will select all the <li>elements that I marked with #1.

Not when you applying .find('li') to such an element, it tries to find a li element inside the li element, i.e. it would select the elements I marked with #2 here:

<div class="smenu">
      <li id="d1">  // #1
            <li id="foo">...</li>  // #2
      <li id="d2">...</li>   // #1

But this is not your structure. You don't have nested lists. You want the IDs from the #1 elements and therefore it has to be

var lid = $(this).attr('id');
Felix Kling
ya `alert(lid)` is popping-up `undefined`. Why it is not getting the `id` attr?
@nectar: It is all described in my answer.
Felix Kling
I know what does it(`find`) do.the same syntax is working fine with some other jquery code.there also I am using `find()`;
@nectar: See my updated answer. I hope it is clear now.
Felix Kling

Maybe switch is what you need here.

Kuroki Kaze
+1  A: 

Inside the hover event handler, this is going to be an li, since it is attached to $('.smenu li'). Then $(this).find('li') will find li elements inside .smenu li, which presumably don't exist.
