I would like to go further in this question:
I often encounter useless reinstallation of packages throught cabal
I'm trying to install Chart (it happens also on many other packages: this is just an example to show what's happening)
if I do a cabal install Chart, it installs me process, random and haskell98 althought I already have it systemwise installed:
ghc-pkg list|sort|uniq -c |sort|tail
1 X11-xft-0.3
1 xdg-basedir-0.2
1 xhtml-3000.2.0.1
1 xmonad-0.9.1
1 xmonad-contrib-0.9.1
1 zlib-
2 haskell98-
2 process-
2 random-
If I try to relaunch a cabal install Chart, it again reinstalls process, random and haskell98
Now if I untar the downloaded package (in cabal dir), and I'm trying to compile it directly:
[~/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/Chart/0.13.1/Chart-0.13.1] runhaskell Setup.hs configure
Configuring Chart-0.13.1...
Setup.hs: At least the following dependencies are missing:
colour >=2.2.1,
data-accessor ==0.2.*,
data-accessor-template >= && <0.3
and these packages are registered in ghc:
ghc-pkg list|grep accessor
ghc-pkg list|grep colour
Can you help me to understand what's happening?
By default cabal installs in user space (but that's ok with me)
I'm running a debian squeeze distribution with haskell and ghc installs through package manager